Social Media Policy 2017




Social media is the term for internet based tools used for publishing, sharing and discussing information. This includes blogs, and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Myspace and Linkedin etc.

 There has been growth in the use of these tools in recent years. They have many positive benefits and are a great way of keeping in touch with people. However there are also risks with using these tools.

 Comments posted on these sites can be seen by a number of people and in some circumstances can be damaging to the reputation of the choir, its members and Trustees. This policy serves to remind members and Trustees that they have a duty not to bring the organisation into disrepute - any social media posting should be carefully considered before posting.

All of us should remember that inappropriate posting on social media may also result in claims of bullying or harassment or break rules of data protection and confidentiality. 

Rising Voices Wessex recognizes that members use and enjoy social media in a private capacity and in a responsible manner. Rising Voices Wessex is certainly not trying to interfere with this.

However, the use of this media can have a potential impact on the public perception of the Rising Voices Wessex.

Defamatory comments - anything against the organisation that serves to undermine the reputation of the organisation in the eyes of society. Photographs or cartoons are also capable of being defamatory if they falsely reference the organisation in a way which may bring discredit. 

  • Libelous comments – anything in permanent (i.e. written) form that clearly identifies the organisation (directly or by inferring), and the meaning of the statement is such that, in their natural and ordinary sense, the words are capable of damaging the organisation’s reputation.
  • Breaching confidentiality – disclosure of confidential information about the organisation, customers, or a fellow member may amount to a breach of confidence and publication of private personal information is prohibited.
  • Derogatory comments – may not be unlawful or untrue but nonetheless have the possibility of bringing the organisation into disrepute. 
  • Breaching Privacy – where, for example, a member posts a personal comment about a fellow member on a social networking site without permission. 
  • Cyber Bullying – when a person or group uses the internet, a mobile phone or other digital technology to threaten, tease or abuse someone. 

The purpose of this policy is to help minimise these risks.

Rising Voices Wessex would view some behaviours as having a potential impact on the reputation and credibility of the organisation. 

It is the responsibility of the Steering Group and Trustees to ensure members are aware of the policy and to address any issues that may arise with the use of any form of social media. The Trustees should follow the Grievance Policy and Procedure should any breach of this Social Media policy occur.